
Located in Cleona, PA | Serving the South Central and Susquehanna Valley Areas
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Located in Cleona, PA | Serving the South Central and Susquehanna Valley Areas
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Reliable Coin Appraisals

Certified Coin and Currency Appraisers

When you choose Dennis R Eckenrode Rare Coins, no appointment is necessary for an appraisal to sell your gold, silver, or copper coins.

Anyone in the store can give you our purchase price. However, we have a US gold coin appraisal specialist, US currency specialist, and foreign coin specialist in the store every day. We don't do insurance appraisals.


Take Advantage of Our Other Appraisal Services

Since we also buy estate jewelry as well as foreign and domestic currency, we will appraise those too. Remember our appraisals are for the wholesale price (not the value for insurance purposes).

If you prefer dealing face-to-face when it comes to large transactions, we are a local store that welcomes walk-ins. Doing business with us is safe, simple, and secure! Our staff is knowledgeable and friendly.

Call us today to learn more about our coin appraisal services.
We are a locally owned and operated business.
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